I just wanted to post the most recent video in what I think is a pretty interesting exchange...it's the new "Homeless Frank" release. The video is a parody of Microsoft's "Laptop Hunters" series; some Brooklyn Mac disciples crafted it. Lots of discussion around this. I am digging this collaborative exchange among various authors and publics...fluid, flexible, and indicative of how we communicate identity and ideology in "New Times". More curation to come.
And now, the Mac devotee response to MSFT!
hahaha, I just like the last video...
Well, that man, sorry to maybe be assuming things, but he .. is not homeless. I get what they are saying. A laptop under 1000 dollars cannot be good.. especially in comparison to macbooks. However, for the same money as a macbook, buy a better pc.
This was really entertaining. I get that computers are becoming a necessity in many households and the prices of macs aren't economical. The 'homeless' guy was really funny and I would like to know where I was when this campaign was going on.....
This video is hilarious, I love the part where the homeless guy is like what am I going to do with this stupid laptop and he just wants the money. The main thing about this video was the act that the PC is user friendly, even is you don't know what you are doing like that homeless guy.
Just different advertising techniques: Apple has been trying to be the computer with the most flash the past few years, now Windows is trying to appeal to people's sensibility. "Smart people buy Windows computers!"
More expensive doesn't necessarily mean better quality in some cases, but in the cases where that's true, I don't think that people should be so freaked out about spending a certain amount of money. If the product is worth it, then I don't see a big problem. But, then again, I totally understand the need to shop on a budget.
PS was homeless frank a joke??
-Kathryn Leuci
haha, yeah the last one was pretty funny. after seeing those other two where it's the run of the mill image of America, we get to see Frank who's on rough times and his reaction to getting a PC. At least windows is pointing out the expensive price of their competitors in MacBooks with the state of the current economy - that's one way to make consumers think twice before dishing out a couple grand.
That was funny. The first time I saw those comercials on tv I wondered what mac users thought of them. It's funny that PC is targeting the cost of the computers while mac was targeting the value. I have never had a mac but I know that my pc screws up all the time!!
Hahahaha, you're right, the last guy is hilarious. But yes, the video maker seems to be suggesting that the average price of a laptop with good specifications will be between $1000-$1500, which is not too reasonable, especially for those of low income. Alternatively, they are not supporters MACs because the MACs are "too expensive."
That's a pretty nice deal though; "you find it, you keep it." I wish someone would come up to me and say that at Best Buy.
hahaha, "Just give me the money."
The Microsoft commercials are clearly a reaction to the Mac commercials that are able to boast technical superiority. Although Mac computers have much more appealing designs and programming conducive to productivity because ease of use, they still are not nearly as able to have their product be as widely consumed as Microsoft. In an age in which accessibility is of utmost importance but monetary flow has a strain, the PC will continue to be a fierce competitor.
These were...interesting. It was mainly an advertisement, saying that apple's computers are too expensive for the average person, so come get a pc, because we're their primary competitor, and we're relatively cheap, regardless of how little protection we have and how much vista sucks. The homeless dude was funny too.
Yeah Anna,
My PC screws up all the time too. ITS is like my second home.
I didn't realize that the debate between Macs and PCs was so huge. I looked up more information about these videos and there are tons of links that discuss their validity. The arguments between Mac supporters and opposers are all over the web, and they are evident in these videos. Opposers argue that Macs are overpriced and supporters say that the prices are justified by the quality of the computers.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Homeless Frank was a joke.
And I actually really enjoy the ad campaign that Windows is doing--it seems personal, appeals to people's tight-fisted ways during this economic time, and are easy to watch. The Homeless Frank rendition on youtube is, of course, funny and scathing. Windows claims to be cheap and still functional, but Homeless Frank calls out Vista on what it actually is...and complains that he'd rather just have the $$$. Wouldn't we all...
Anyway, while Mac is the fancy computer, Windows is trying to spin that they represent the sensible computer. And Macs are expensive people, come on, but $1000 is still a lot for my computer.
And in response to a comment above, I paid $1100 for my computer, which is amazing, but it's a Dell. And it's not just pretty either, it's useful, too!
I thought these videos were humorous is a sense that a laptop for under a 1,000 bucks has to be a piece of crap. Do people really expect to get a decent computer for that amount of money?? I found it interesting that they used younger kids, teens, and a "homeless guy" as the main role in these videos. The contrast between the snobby people in the first two videos with that of the third adds to the humor.
I gree with the videos. PCs are waaaaaaay better than Macs. The last video makes you think about how eventhough laptops are becoming such a neccessity, there are still many people that cannot afford them. Even when a PC is "only" a thousand dollars.
Sheesh. Technology is overwhelming at times.
R. Miles
I liked the first video because it seems like a very informed decision. The last video was great because it makes you think about how expensive MacBooks are versus PCs, so good job Microsoft
MACs are very pretty, but I don't think they are very practical computers. Because of their outlook, they are significantly overprices. They do have some beneficial software however.
Haha yeah this is video is very funny. The point of this video was to show that even a homeless person can use a PC because it is so user friendly. The video was overall very entertaining and made me crack up.
He's "homeless"?
I can however understand the point that they're trying to get across because prices are outrageous especially in this economy. But it is not Windows itself that is "more economical' in comparison Macs. Computers are becoming a necessity but whether everyone can afford it is a good question.
I think it is interesting to see how much of a price range there is between different computers that do the same basic things.
The main reason that Microsoft made these commercial was to show that even though their computer are cheap, they still have a lot of good qualities that are easy to use. Apple is to expensive for today's society and personally, I do not think Macs are easy to use. I loved the last video. It was hilarious.
I personally love macs, but I understand the campaign PC is trying to put off, the sensible laptop. I also felt like it was a tease to Frank to give him $1000 and make him use it for a laptop that he didn't want or need. But Microsoft did show that you don't need to spend a lot of money to get a good computer.
-Lauren C.
I've seen these commercials before and I can't help but wonder what the computers are really like. For less than $1,000 the first customer got "everything." Does that include all of the accessories and such? Because that would not be realistic if she's expecting the computer to last very long. I have a PC and it works fine, but it was not under 1,000. Which is not to say I liked the Mac commercial either. That just came off a bitter and unnecessary.
The PC commercials are really ingenious. They show how affordable their computers are, how advanced they are, and all the unique functions they provide. Because the videos use normal people (except the pun on 'homeless Frank') it shows that just about anyone can use a PC and benefit from it. I really like these commercials, they have a catchy tune and are realistic. They definitely appeal to me.
I think it is interesting how the author of the "Homeless Frank" video tried to satire the Windows PC commercials by showing that even a homeless man can tell how much better a Mac is than a PC. Supposedly the fourth video is trying to make the people in the other videos look ridiculous because they are so excited about their PC's, but this homeless man does not even want anything to do with them.
-William G.
I have never seen videos/commericals like this before. I agree with Emily for less than $1000 I'm not too sure how great of a computer you would get. Computers have a need for lots of accessories, which for under $1000 seems unlikely. I am a Mac user, I have never had a PC simply because of choice. I originally bought a Mac because my brother said it was a better computer. I think computer choices simply come down to personal preference and aesthetics, but a computer under $1000 almost seems unreal.
I find it interesting that the pro-PC commercials focus on cost and additional features while the Mac commercials take a quality approach. Mac doesn't bother arguing that they have awesome additional features, but instead focus on the general quality (specifically exterior quality) of their products.
What really comes in the "everything included" package. I feel like too often in todays society we are tricked into a purchase due to a gimic or a misconception of some sort. Often times we do not see the whole picture of what we are getting and find ourselves buying or purchasing something without not knowing what it fully entails. I feel like that may have been the case with these users, in the video with the mom and the son, they were more concerned about the colors, and the game features, then the actualy computer it self, and did not seem to be getting much help with what actually the computer was good for besides its eye appealing features. -Alyssa S
In response to what Emily said,
I too would like to know what 'everything' means. Today, most computers are moving towards making the buyer have to purchase every program that they want on their computer. There are no longer free programs that are provided in the cost. You have to pay separately to get Microsoft Word on your computer-that just seems ridiculous. I would expect that to be in the total cost.
These commercials try to make more sensible laptops appealing to people during these tough economic times. However, I find it hard to believe that they these people found a reliable laptop for under $1000. I wish that I had heard about this laptop before I went to school! I liked the humor with the homeless person because he showed that today's obsession with technology is ridiculous and he didn't even want anything to do with it.
-Mckenzie Cox
For a large majority of people, I think the PC commercials are really appealing because they're advertising a reasonable price for a nice machine. The Homeless Frank one is clearly making fun of the other commercial because he would just rather have the money than take the machine he "can't do anything with." I think PC came up with a good advertising technique, that shows how they think they're better. Each one shows the continual rivalry between the companies.
These commercials are very appealing and yet overwhelming. When you watch these videos except the funny "Homeless Frank" video, you really get a feel for how many options there are in a PC laptop. I remember when I went to pick out my laptop the summer before my freshman year. There were so many options of space, appearance, applications, and price that its sometimes hard to choose. I cannot even imagine what is available now two years later. These commericals really display how you can get exactly what you want in a PC.
I like the PC campaign, they're trying to reach out to everyone not just those who have money. Frank is an exaggerated example of how many people today feel (with our economy). Many people would rather have the money, but with the growing importance of technology it's almost a necessity for survival.
Rachel C
These videos were really fun to watch, especially the final one, as a lot of people above agree. The last video put the other two into context. It emphasized the lack of advertising tactics of Microsoft, as they failed to mention anything significant about their PCs except their prices (which were all lower than Macs). However, the "homeless" man, saying he's "poor but not retarded" implies that it is obvious that Microsoft's computers are not good quality, and he makes comments like Vista Home Premium being "bulls***," a legitimate complaint from a lot of its users, and asking if one PC is made of plastic. He shows his true opinion of the computers when he uses the one he buys as a face cover for sleeping. I'm sure Mac users LOVED this video :)
I have seen a few of these commercials on television and every time I watch it, it brings me back to when I was looking for laptops before college. Each video had the same scenario that I was in, had a certain amount of money and I was looking for a laptop with certain specifications to fit my needs and wants. I think that Microsoft is trying to compete with the popular mac commercials and I believe that they are doing as best of a job to prove their point that a PC is cheaper and still efficient as a mac.
Although the fourth video is obviously satire, mocking these commercials, the commercials have a good marketing message. PC's are the most affordable computer comparatively. In addition i feel getting every feature in a computer for under $1000 is somewhat unrealistic because those computers are fairly stripped down. In Addition i as a mac user i felt the parody was very funny and true.
I have seen alot of these commercials and I think they are catchy. They are funny and entertaining. For most consumers,these ideas determine what they think about MAcs. I own a PC, but I love using Macs as well. In the end, different people have different preferences and whatever satisfies your preference, you should get.They both get the same tasks accomplished.
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